© Artinboxes by Volker Kühn


in Glasgow geboren

Studium an der Glasgow School of Art

Studium an der St. Martin's School of Art, London

Sainsbury Award für Bildhauerei

Arts Council of Great Britain Major Award

Documenta 6, Kassel

DAAD Stipendium, Berlin

John Moores Painting Price


Bruce McLean arbeitet in vielen Medien: Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Skulpturen, Performances, Filme, Bücher, Keramiken und Architektur sowie Original Graphiken. Oft finden sich bei Bruce McLean Hinweise auf Politik und Gesellschaft, z.B. auf Konsumentenwerte wie Möbel, Essen, Getränke, Ferien … Die künstlerische Arbeitweise bei Bruce McLean geht immer von der Betrachtung des Bildhauers aus: "I make a work and put things into that work. Then you look at the work and get a buzz from it, for whatever reason. It is not important, as far as I am concerned, that it is painted in translucent purple over green. Or that there is some funny writing on it that says 'Olé' or 'Jahwohl'. Or that you understand what the hard- boiled egg or the saucepan means. It is not important that you understand that. It is important that you are actually drawn to the work in some way by the energy given off by the work. If you look at Matisse's 'Jazz', what it means is not important. It is just full of life."

mc lean1 mc lean2

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